Todd Schmidt
I, like most artist have been one all my life but I consider the last 15 years to be my most focused and constructive. I have become a student off all things creative and have worked hard to amass a skill set that matches my ambition and desire to create.
My skills range from traditional art, to 3d modeling, to CAD and physical production of items through both advanced 3d printing and traditional machine work. I am very passionate about machines. Designing them, improving them and finding out how they work and love to apply this fascination to projects that are in need of both creative inspiration and functional thought. I love the idea that machines are universal to everyone and the more analogue, the better. That's not to say I don't embrace and love the most cutting edge methods but see the genius and beauty in something that relies on its internal works and many times power to accomplish its desired task.
Flying home from Oshkosh in the Plane my brother built (with a tiny bit of help from myslef).
Some of my trail photos